Many whelps, handle it!
For those who don't know Onyxia is a classic WoW raid encounter that was a proving ground for guild looking to prove that they could not only down the first tier of content but were ready to dig into the next.
Of course, this was back in the day when a raid instance wasn't a completely self contained tier of gear. Although most of Molten Core was dropped tier 1 gear, the end boss Ragnaros dropped tier 2. Onyxia also dropped tier 2, and happened to be the boss most guild cut their tier 2 teeth on.
Of course, what mention of Onyxia would be complete without raging along with the legendary Onyxia video!
The original video was of the actual encounter, but somehow this animation makes it even funnier. Whoever can lay claim to the voiceover in the video has gone down in WoW history along with Leeroy Jenkins and his 'At least I got chicken!'. Members of Prime are still calling out 'More dots! More dots!' and 'That's a 50 fucking DKP minus!' years after the fact.
And not only is this classic encounter back but Blizzard has built in a shout out to that classic video with their list of achievements for the new Onyxia: MMO-Champion. Among these achievements are 'Many whelps! Handle it!' where you intentionally spawn 50 whelps during a kill and 'More dots!' for the simple speed kill achievement.
It's unknown how this encounter will be revamped specifically, but it's been said that there will be both new and old aspects to this encounter. So who know... maybe she will deep breath more!
Elemental Changes
To understand where they're going with this you kind of have to understand where we've been since the debut of the Wrath of the Lich King(WotLK) expansion.
Before the current expansion elemental shaman were lightning factories. At any given time while a shaman was DPSing with this spec you may or may not actually see the separation between lightning bolts they were slung so fast. But when the expansion went live a new couple new spells were thrust into our rotation: Flame Shock (a damage over time debuff) and Lava Burst (a large direct damage effect that would automatically crit if Flame Shock was in use, consuming the remainder of the Flame Shock debuff).
Another introduction to the expansion were glyphs, scrolls that could be scribed into the glyph interface to make certain spells more powerful. This feature was initially touted as being a fun and interesting way to change your spells. Well, for elemental shaman we were relegated to a specific set of glyphs for raiding in order to continue to put out compeditive DPS. None of these glyphs were fun, in fact one of them removed the knockback from Thunderstorm, one of my favorite and most fun spells - and they removed the fun from it!
So now, finally, they've brough forth the following spell changes:
- Flame Shock: The duration of all ranks has been increased by 6 seconds.
- Lava Burst: This ability no longer ever consumes a Flame Shock debuff off of the target.
Another issue they addressed a little more fully was the Shaman lack of scalability. I believe next to Shadow Priests, Elemental Shaman currently have the worst scaling in the game, and I'm incredibly happy with the fact that it's being addressed (much unlike the ghost Lava Burst bug of 3.2!).
"Put another way, if you and your friend start an instance at 5000 dps and then as you get gear she goes to 7000 dps while you go to 6000 dps, then that's a scaling problem."From: MMO-Champion
And the following change was put into place:
- Shamanism: Your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells gain an additional 3/6/9/12/15% and your Lava Burst gains an additional 4/8/12/16/20% of your bonus damage effects.
Did you catch it? The stealth buff in the text? Let me help you out by showing what Shamanism currently does:
- Shamanism: Your Lightning Bolt spell gain an additional 2/4/6/8/10% and your Lava Burst gains an additional 4/8/12/16/20% of your bonus damage effects.
I Bring Pandamonium!
Last - but certainly not least - is the introduction of the Panderan companion pet.
This song has been stuck in my head for days and I don't care! This pet is so awesome words cannot describe it and oh yes... it will be mine!
Of course, if you were into Warcraft 3: the Frozen Throne then you may remember the brewmaster. In order to unlock him you would have to play through the third Alliance mission where Kael'Thas and Vashj are escaping from the sewers beneath Dalaran. Towards the middle of the map you'll find a door leading to a room with three sheep in cages and a panel in front of each cage.
When you step on each panel it says either "Bah", "Ram" or "Ewe". And it you step on each panel in that specific order it will unlock a secret tower defense leve that, once beaten, unlocks the Paneran Brewmaster for the very next level!
The community loves this guy, and this Shaman is no different. I just hope the companion pet is rare enough that not everyone has it, and reasonable enough to obtain that the only resort isn't to mindlessly buy booster packs for a card game I have no interest in ever playing!
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